## Installation

We strongly encourage you to install agd_tools inside a virtualenv. Assuming you are using virtualenvwrapper, load the virtualenv of the project your are developing :

workon myproject

If you just want to use agd_tools without modifying it, install agd_tools using :

pip install agd_tools

If you want to add features in agd_tools while developing your project, clone the repo and install a development version :

cd /home/user/project
git clone git@github.com:SGMAP-AGD/Tools.git
cd agd_tools
pip install -e .

Config file

agd_tools uses a config file to access your database. This file should be named config.ini. If you installed a development version of agd_tools, this file should be located at /home/you/projects/agd_tools/agd_tools/config.ini. Otherwise the file should be located at '~/.virtualenvs/myproject/lib/python3.x/site-packages/agd_tools/config.ini'.

See config.ini.example to see syntax & keys